The burros work hard in Guanajuato. We see them on the hillsides, highways, and narrow callejónes. They carry all kinds of burdens: bundles of sticks and piles of bags of soil. Their large brown eyes look patiently ahead.
A Mexican legend tells of two famous professors from México City at the turn of the century visiting a pueblo in order to conduct meteorological studies. They note that the town is populated by more burros than people, and that the animals are treated with great respect. They find this quaint - but then the professors discover that the burros can predict the weather more accurately than they can. For example, one burro enters the stable and neighs three times when it is going to rain, and he is always right. The story ends with the rhyme: "A, E, I, O, U / El burro sabe / más que tú" (the burro knows more than you).
Ummmm, I think we need a burro in exchange for some chickens. It would be perfect for our backyard. I bet we could hook up the lawn mower to him.... See you guys in a few weeks!