Wow - The swishing skirts, stomping feet, whooping, and whistling - the ballet folklórico es un espectáculo! México has a vibrant tradition of regional folk dances. Tonight we saw Universidad de Guanajuato students perform "Y arriba el norte" - folk dances from the north of México: Chihuahua, Durango, and Baja California. Big cowboy hats and full, colorful skirts filled the stage; loud music and the railroad-rhythm of stamping feet filled the auditorium of Teatro Principal; the enthusiasm of the dancers reverberated off the walls. The music and their feet did not stop for an hour.
Mark and I were so energized by it that we want to revive square-dancing when we return to Idaho!
Once again, I want to be these dancers!!!! How is it that I am not a hot and saucy Latina??????